Latex Spandex Covering Machine
YHKB-200 Air Covering Machine
- The machines are independent on both sides to run two types yarns at the same time.
- Machine equip with air covering, doubling function and touch screen operation Which is easily to setup parameter.
- With special drum to avoid the yarn overlapping and hard edges on both sides of cone
- No of Spindle: 8 Ends/Section/Total 96 ends
- Speed: 500M/Min
- Drum Dia: 90mm
- Section Length: 1520mm
- Pietch: 370mm
- Elongation: 150%-500%
- Yarn: 22-330dtex-(Filament yarn)/20-70D(spandex)
- Ppressure: 0.30-0.6 Mpa
- 卷裝尺寸: 29050*250mm
- Layout: 20340x1850x1620
- Power: 8.44Kw